Who's Buying the beer?

Who's Buying the beer?

   Older white men are the future of beer is in a fight to survive with a future of generation Z that are not active drinkers. The beer industry is changing white men in generation Z are the most active group of people to prefer beer where white women and people of color are drinking vodka and gin. Beer is a white man’s drink. Younger generation Z preferred spirits (like vodka or gin) and wine to beer. Gen Z women drink 24% less than their male counterparts, which an increase. The millennial women drank roughly 40% less than millennial men (ages 18 and 22).  Generation Z is drinking less than millennial. Beer companies are advertising for women and people of color to change to beer from wine and alcohol. Hispanics are crucial for beer company’s futures.  The white male in Generation Z are consuming less beer, and are less of the total populace. The generation Z populous is drinking less per person in the future alcohol sales. The beer companies are open to developing more sweet mixed tasting substances and tequila-based drinks. Current Generation Z populous are drinking less then Millennials. White Generation Z males are not using alcohol like earlier Millennials are drinking themselves to higher points of alcohol-induced danger but still planning ahead to get the safe way home. The millennial lifestyle is free-spirited, chic clothing, and anti-marriage attitude. Millennials have behaviors that are a higher risk of creating the opportunity for carefree actions. Alcohol advertisers relate to the millennials attitude of carefree drinking. Drinking alcohol responsibly is to prevent the opportunity of self-harm. Millennials men and women are consuming aggressive higher amounts of alcohol. The lack of Millennials ability of self-control means that Millennials are a more dangerous group of people. Generation Z are too busy texting to get off the phone to have sex, drink alcohol, and get a driver’s license. Generation Z are not educated in what is deemed to fun social interaction behaviors.  Less Knowledge of risk-taking behaviors creates less risk. The ability to move creates an opportunity for learning risk. 


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