If you cannot control the risk why take it? Mexico

Is Mexico a place to travel to? Is it safe to get an alcoholic drink in Mexico? When commercial business kills American citizens did someone not care?  Would they have sold tainted alcohol to their family’s children and friends?  The alcohol contained dangerous levels of methanol.  Methanol is extremely dangerous substance in a small amount. These are not the low-class tavern taverns but exclusive resorts that are killing their patrons. This is not the first time this has occurred and it will not be the last.  The resorts and lack of government control and lack of human caring are putting our young and foolish alcohol drinkers at risk just to make a more dollars. Blood money comes when reckless people in charge cannot see not see the harm they are doing. Someone in the resort management did not care about the safety of their patrons. Patrons come back to people and business they trust. Have the resorts in Mexico won our trust? Some alcohol is 180 proof that they can make.  Many tourists have had a terrible experienced but survived but some have not. The reckless of the resorts can become a deadly risk. Does the resort you are staying with really care? Is this a risk you really want take? This is one of the saddest examples of bad money.  


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