House policy education

House policy education 

House policy education by staff is to inform patrons as to what is acceptable patron behaviors. Alcohol-serving establishments instruct patrons and staff how to create civility and safety standards by promoting reasonable patron self-care. The use of staff interactions is to reduce the opportunity for behavior complaints, by enhancing staff public safety communication, and patron’s development of caring trust toward staff.  Staff ability to deliver a high level of safe caring patron service and training, will help increase your establishment civility in the community. Safe premises creates the opportunity for safe money and less risk to the community. The training ability of the managers and staff on controlling of the patrons that are entering and exiting the alcohol serving establishments must be observed by security staff at all times. The social civility of the establishment in the community is based on the staff ability to enforce house policy of required patrons civil behavior responsibility. House policy are the educated by employees of enforcement on controlling the entertainment promotions and promoters, the posted policy required for the civility of crowd behaviors, the ability to prevent unwanted illegal drugs sales and guns on to the premises, and staff immediate observation and communication of patrons needed removal for giving staff threats of verbal assaults and physical harm threats. The opportunity for patrons threats is controlled staff observation that are continual, and ongoing. The patron must be educated as to the house policy understanding of the staff right removal of the privilege of entry. 

Civility is the ability of staff and patrons to learn, relearn, understand, and care for society with respect, compassion, caring, and understanding of each other's needs. The difference is staff is always checking and controlling what patrons may want.  The staff controlling of patrons wants increases the ability for society to develop social house policy and rules of conduct (written and implicit) that help guide its patrons to acceptable behaviors. The patrons should have the ability to understand what is considered acceptable and unacceptable behavior norms in public alcohol serving environments. The result for staff and owners is less risk and more fun for patrons which creates the making of safe money. Civility is the best control to reduce unwanted violence. Civility comes first violence is then put on notice it will not be allowed.

House policy on Soliciting
a. It is our house policy that patrons shall not solicit from other patrons not known to them and staff money or other things of value, or to solicit the sale of goods or services, on our alcohol premises.
b. It is our house policy that patrons shall not solicit from unknown patrons money spoken, written, or printed word or such other acts or bodily gestures as are conducted in furtherance of the purposes of legal or illegal property.
c. It is our house policy that patrons shall not solicit or act in a sexual or physically  "Aggressive Manner," toward other patrons or staff by Intentionally or recklessly making any unwanted blocking of movement by physical contact or touching another person in the course of unwanted solicitation. Patrons have a right not to be touched by unwanted people.
d. It is our house policy that patrons shall not cause other patrons or staff to fear imminent bodily harm by the commission of a criminal act upon your property. 
It is our house policy that patrons shall not have possession of illegal drugs, and unwanted dangerous weapons.
e. It is our house policy that patrons shall not cause other patrons or staff to be intimidated by other patrons aggressive behaviors into responding affirmatively to the unwanted sexual or personnel solicitation.
d. It is our house policy that patrons shall not cause other patrons or staff to be intimidated by continuing to solicit the person after a negative response. The unwanted patron activity will cause the staff  to immediately respond to remove the unwanted patron. The fear of imminent bodily harm by the commission of a criminal act upon the alcohol business property will not be allowed after a notice is communicated.
e. It is our house policy that no patrons shall act toward other patrons and staff with intentionally or recklessly insulting comments, rude impolite gestures, any verbal sexual assaults or demands, and speaking at an unreasonably loud volume to cause a distraction fear or other staff and patrons. Drinking is a privilage of the establishment not a right of the patron.
f. It is our house policy that patrons shall not distract other patrons and staff when withdrawing money from an automated teller machine.
g. It is our house policy that patrons shall adhere to possible cover charge, guest list, dress code, and security directions at all times to be allowed on the premises.


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