SAFE CAB program 

Our State Minnesota Rural Minnesota Safe Ride Non-profit Program

Folks, I requested the preliminary numbers (2016 Impaired driving arrests) from the Dept. of Public Safety for the counties of Isanti, Pine. and Kanabec.
They are as follows:

Comparing these numbers to the 2006 and 2007, impaired driving arrests (highest recorded impaired arrests over the past 10 years) for the above counties we find the following:

Isanti (2006- 367 arrests) vs (125 for 2016)= 66% decrease

Pine (2006-350 arrests) vs( 98 for 2006)=       72% decrease

Kanabec(2007-150 arrests)vs (41 for 2016)=73% decrease

It is fitting that we thank our SAFE CAB program ,Minnesota Safe Ride non-profit program, and  participating cab companies (Cambridge Cab, Atta Boys, and Brad’s cab) for transporting over 25,000 people, safely, to their homes since the start of our SAFE CAB program.

Tenth Judicial District Court
Isanti County Government Center
555 18th Ave. SW
Cambridge, MN     55008


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